As the owner of a vehicle fitted with air conditioning, you will appreciate the many benefits of a correctly functioning system; sitting in traffic jams or travelling at high speeds, with the windows closed, makes for a more comfortable and safer journey.

Air conditioning maintenance

To ensure you maintain the benefits of a correctly functioning system it is recommended that your system is inspected annually and serviced every two years as over 10% of the air con gas leaks from the system every year. This will not be included in the service offered by the main dealer and many independents and so will need to be requested.

You air conditioning isn't just to provide in-car comfort during the hot summer months; it can also be used in winter to demist your windscreen. Air-con systems create dry warm air rather than the normal humid air from outside which can clear your windscreen much more quickly than your regular blowers.

How can I tell if my air conditioning needs a service?

For a fresh car and cool air throughout the year you need to ensure that the air conditioning system is in full, working order. If you think your air-con my be in need of a service, there are some common signs that you need to look out for.

The most common problem with air conditioning occurs when the vents stop blowing cold air. More often than not this is the first sign your car is due an air conditioning re-gas. Our expert technicians will check the air conditioning lubricant and refrigerant levels in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations to make it feel like new.

Is there is a musty smell coming from your car’s air conditioning? This is especially common if your air-conditioning hasn’t been used for long periods and usually means that the air filter is in need of an anti-bacterial clean to remove any bacteria that may have built up.

Let Right Fit Autocentres Check Your Air Conditioning. We have the equipment to check, top up, service and cleanse your vehicle's air conditioning. So if you have a nasty smell or it just doesn't seem to be working correctly please give us a call.

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